hukhukhuk..(batuk plak)..
Wokeh just story 13-14 Dec 2010 ari tuh cik labu kene pakse rela g training..memang xrela nk g training sb keje sgt2 tgh bnyk..mcm xmasuk akal jer x masuk opis 2 ari dh cik labu nyer HOD asek bising2 jerk ckp xg training lg utk this rehda jerk ler g cik labu pilih course Effective Communication Skills At The Workplace..saje pilih course yg agak santai..malas nk amek yg berat2 mcm Microsoft itu n ini,pastu Marketing, its boring i guest..otak cik labu dh xbape bley trima yg berat2 nih utk akhir pilih course yg light2 jerk..:)
Course tuh agak mahal dlm RM800 per pe de hal byr..siap boleh claim pegi balik lagi..:P makan free lagik..3 kali..sedap wwwwooooooo..i loike!!!..:) :) :)
Pastu dier punyer faci named Juliana Phang..agk berumur agk besh jgk ler..cara penyampaian yg santai..pastu mcm senang jerk nk masuk pale otak..:P ooopppsss lupe nk mention cik labu g course nih dgn makcik opis-mate..harus ler bawak kroni wokehhhh...xmau jadik mcm kera sumbang nnt..:p
Then, 1st day tuh agk boring..i meet new friends technician from JIMAH Enggineering..and Enggineer from Focal..opkos ler yg bujang..:P sesi suai kenal yg unik..pastu modul yg memberansangkan..then cara penyampaian yg cooolll pastu kelas @ dewan training yg selesa. Makanan yg bagus, 1st day tuh bekfes makan nasi goreng, lunch makan nasi putih,ikan cencaru sumbat, telur mata kerbau n sayur campur and for tea time ader kuih ketayap, n donut..beverage bese ar, tea, coffee, laicy juice etc. (i enjoy the food)..
For the 2nd day bekfes menu makan mee goreng mamak yg sgt sedap!!!!..sgt2 sedap wokeh..pastu lunch makan set makanan cina+desert Sagoo Gula Melaka..(skemanyer..)..i enjoy the this food sssssssssssssssooooooooo much!!!..pastu tea time makan bubur kacang, pulut panggang and keria..:)
Pastu 2nd day tuh sgt2 besh..:P (biarlah rahsia..)
Pastu mcm berat ati jerk nak tamatkan course tuh..(sempat lagik cik labu bertukar2 email dgn dorang..:)
Last2 sesi meminta maaf, dapat sijil n sesi bergambar ramai2..:)
*Bnyk input yg cik labu dpt from the course..:)
*It's a good course to us yg dealing dgn client nih..
*Dapat kenal dri dgn lebih baik..
*Confident level naik mendadak pas balik course tuh (my boss yg pasan)..
So pas g course nih mcm enjoy the training so im looking forward for the next course..:P
*xder pitcha sb xder keinginan langsung nk amek pitcha sepanjang course tuh..:(
Sekian, bye.
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